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NairnFEAMPM is a Mac application to run finite element analysis (FEA) and material point method (MPM) calculations. The application contains all binary code engines and third-party libraries required to run calculations without need to build and source code and install any other tools. NairnFEAMPM is being developed by Prof. John A. Nairn from the Wood Science and Engineering Department Oregon State University. This application is free but it is a dynamic work in progress as part of an active research program. If you are not using a Mac, you can do almost the same things using the Windows application NairnFEAMPMViz.


NairnFEAMPM is a "Universal" Mac application (i.e., runs native on either Intel or new M1 chips). Install by expanding the downloaded zip file and dragging NairnFEAMPM to your Applications folder. This application requires MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or newer, but is not tested much below Monterrey (12.x).

NairnFEAMPM Download Size (MB) Updated
NairnFEAMPM 10.0 - This version is a full-featured version of NairnFEAMPM for running NairnFEA and NairnMPM complete with code engine binaries and third party libraries needed for the calculations without needing any additional installations. See below for possible alternate binaries. 8.9 24 APR 2024

Each new MacOS again tries to stop you running software unless you download it from the Mac App Store. When you first run this app outside that app store, you may get some warnings. Hopefully the only one will about the software being downloaded from the internet. If that is the only one, you should be able to click "OK" and run. You might also get warnings ranging from "the developer is unidentified" to "this might be malicious software." Both are wrong, but if you get them, you can get around these round blocks (for now) by:

  • Control click on the NairnFEAMPM app and choose "Open" from the pop-up menu. You well get the same warning but should now have an "Open" button that will let you ignore that warning.
  • If first option does not work, open the "General" tab of the "Security & Privacy" pane in the "System Preferences" and then start NairnFEAMPM. The "Security & Privacy" pane should have a button to run the app. Also be sure your Mac is not set to only allow apps from the "App Store".

You should only need these Apple work-arounds the first time you run NairnFEAMPM.

Alternate Binaries Bundles

The above download has one version of the code engine binaries and required libraries. As code develops, new versions might be available before they are added the downloads. Or, the binaries might not work in certain MacOS versions. This section gives some options for binary bundles.

  • Swtich to User-Compiled Bounaries - to always have the most recent binaries or to be able to edit source code to create your own features, a good option is to install your own binaries., Once NairnFEAMPM is running, choose "NairnFEAMPM Help" from the "Help Menu." You can click on "Installing Binaries" in the help topics on the left. That help information explains how to switch to using your own binaries.
  • Self-Contained Binary Bundles - to following table lists available binary bundles that can easily be download and installed to get alternate boundary binary bundles to run in NairnFEAMPM (see below the table for installation details).
Name Description
binaries10-13.tar.gz Although NairnFEAMPM works in MacOS High Sierra (10.13), the binaries included in the above download not appear to work. This download seems to work in MacOS 10.13 on an Intel-based Mac.

For any binary bundle included in the above table, download and install using the Terminal app and the following two commands

curl -O
tar fvxz (Name) -C ~/Library/Application\ Support/NairnFEAMPM

where you replace (Name) with the "Name" entry in the table. The first command downloads a compressed tar file with the binaries (the -O is upper case letter O). The second command extracts all files and installs then in the NairnFEAMPM application support folder (overwriting previous ones if needed). International users might need to change the name of the Library/Application Support folders to match their Mac. Once these are installed, NairnFEAMPM can use them for calculations. Be sure, however, to not "Reinstall Bundle Files" in the preferences because that would overwrite installed alternate binaries.

Free Registration

The NairnFEAMPM system is free but uses an unlocking code to help monitor its use. By registering you will hear about developments and/or about any problems that might arise. To get a free registration code, use the "Request Registration Code…" command in the "Help" menu. A free code will usually arrive by email within a few days. While waiting you can use the application in "Trial Mode."