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[[NairnMPM]] has several forms of grid damping. Their most common use to damp dynamic effects such that the solution converges to a static result.
[[NairnMPM]] has several forms of artificial damping done during particle updates. Their most common use is to damp dynamic effects such that the solution converges to a static result. Some materials also support [[Common Material Properties#Artificial Viscosity|artificial viscosity]] as a damping mechanism done on the material model level. In addition, [[NairnMPM]] supports FLIP, PIC, [[XPIC Features|XPIC]],<ref name="XPIC"/> [[XPIC Features|FMPM]]<ref name="FMPM"/> and [[PeriodicXPIC Custom Task|periodic mixtures]] of FLIP with PIC, XPIC, and FMPM; XPIC and FMPM enhance stability and control noise. This section focuses on grid and particle damping.

== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==

Many times it is useful to apply damping to results, such as when the goal to to achieve a simulation of quasi-static results. This section explains various artificial damping options that are applied to the particle update in the MPM time step. The particle updates for position and velocity with damping become:
Many times it is useful to apply damping to results, such as when the goal to achieve a simulation of quasi-static results. This section explains various artificial damping options that are applied to the particle update in the MPM time step.
=== Grid and Particle Damping ===
The particle updates (when using FLIP) for position and velocity with damping related to grid velocity, particle velocity, or both are:

<math> \vec x_p^{(n+1)} = \vec x_p^{(n)} + \left(\vec v_{g\to p}^{(n+1)} - {\Delta t\over 2}\biggl(\vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} + \alpha_g \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n)} + \alpha_p \vec v_{p}^{(n)} + \alpha(\beta)\bigl(\vec v_{p}^{(n)} -\vec v_{g\to p}^{(n)} \bigr) \biggr)\right)\Delta t </math>
<math> \vec X_p^{(n+1)} = \vec X_p^{(n)} + \left(\vec v_{g\to p}^{(n+1)} - {\Delta t\over 2}\biggl(\vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} + \alpha_g \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n)} + \alpha_p \vec V_{p}^{(n)} \biggr)\right)\Delta t </math>

<math> \vec v_p^{(n+1)} = \vec v_p^{(n)} + \biggl(\vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} - \alpha_g \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n)} - \alpha_p \vec v_{p}^{(n)} - \alpha(\beta)\bigl(\vec v_{p}^{(n)} -\vec v_{g\to p}^{(n)} \bigr) \biggr)\Delta t </math>
<math> \vec V_p^{(n+1)} = \vec V_p^{(n)} + \biggl(\vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} - \alpha_g \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n)} - \alpha_p \vec V_{p}^{(n)} \biggr)\Delta t </math>

where ''x'' is position, ''v'' is velocity, ''a'' is acceleration, and &Delta;''t'' is the time step. Subscript ''p'' indicates a particle property and subscript ''g''&rarr;''p'' indicates a grid property that has been extrapolated to the particle. Subscripts (''n'') and (''n''+1) indicate at the start or end of time step n. The damping terms are:
where ''x'' is position, ''v'' is velocity, ''a'' is acceleration, and &Delta;''t'' is the time step. Subscript ''p'' indicates a particle property and subscript ''g''&rarr;''p'' indicates a grid property that has been extrapolated to the particle. Subscripts (''n'') and (''n''+1) indicate at the start or end of time step n. The damping terms are:

* &alpha;<sub>''g''</sub> - grid damping that scales with the velocity extrapolated to the particle
* &alpha;<sub>''g''</sub> - [[#Grid and Particle Damping|grid damping]] that scales with the velocity extrapolated to the particle
* &alpha;<sub>''p''</sub> - particle damping that scales with the particle velocity
* &alpha;<sub>''p''</sub> - [[#Grid and Particle Damping|particle damping]] that scales with the particle velocity
* &alpha;(&beta;) - PIC damping where &beta; is the fraction FLIP in the simulation (from 0 to 1) and it scales with the extrapolation error between the particle velocity and the velocity extrapolated from the grid back to the particle.
[[NairnMPM]] only has grid damping; [[OSParticulas]] has added the new particle and PIC damping options.
=== Grid and Particle Damping ===

Two types of grid and particle damping are available. Simple damping just specifies the damping value (which can be a function of time). Alternatively, feedback damping provides a variant of Nose-Hoover feedback,<ref name="NHOne">D. J. Evans and B. L. Holian, The Nose-Hoover Thermostat. ''J. Chem. Phys.,'' '''83''', 4069–4074 (1985).</ref><ref name="NHTwo">W. G. Hoover, Canonical dynamics: equilibrium phase-space distributions. ''Phys. Rev. A.,'' '''31''', 1695–1697 (1985).</ref><ref name="mpmfb">G. Ayton, A. M. Smondyrev, S. G. Bardenhagen, P. McMurtry, and G. A. Voth, "Interfacing Molecular Dynamics and Macro-Scale Simulations for Lipid Bilayer Vesicles," ''Biophys J'', '''83''', 1026-1038 (2002)</ref> which implements a scheme to evolve the damping coefficient depending on the current total kinetic energy. The net grid or particle damping will be a sum of the two damping options:
Two types of grid and particle damping are available. Simple damping just specifies the damping value (which can be a function of time). Alternatively, feedback damping provides a variant of Nose-Hoover feedback,<ref name="NHOne"/><ref name="NHTwo"/><ref name="mpmfb"/> which implements a scheme to evolve the damping coefficient depending on the current total kinetic energy. The net grid or particle damping will be a sum of the two damping options:

<math>\alpha_g = \alpha_{g,simple}(t) + \alpha_{g,feedback}(t) \qquad {\rm and}\qquad \alpha_p = \alpha_{p,simple}(t) + \alpha_{p,feedback}(t)</math>
<math>\alpha_g = \alpha_{g,simple}(t) + \alpha_{g,feedback}(t) \qquad {\rm and}\qquad \alpha_p = \alpha_{p,simple}(t) + \alpha_{p,feedback}(t)</math>

A single simulation can use any combination of these damping options. The &alpha;<sub>''g,simple''</sub> and &alpha;<sub>''p,simple''</sub> are  specified with <tt>Damping</tt> and <tt>PDamping</tt> commands, respeectively. The &alpha;<sub>''g,feedback''</sub> and  &alpha;<sub>''p,feedback''</sub> are initialized to zero, but can separately evolve during a simulation based on settings in <tt>FeedbackDamping</tt>  and <tt>PFeedbackDamping</tt> commands. Feedback damping will evolve such that kinetic energy approaches zero (for a static result) or approaches any non-zero target kinetic energy. The &alpha;<sub>''g,feedback''</sub> and &alpha;<sub>''p,feedback''</sub> terms evolve by kinetic energy evaluated on the grid:
A single simulation can use any combination of these damping options. The &alpha;<sub>''g,simple''</sub> and &alpha;<sub>''p,simple''</sub> are  specified with <tt>Damping</tt> and <tt>PDamping</tt> commands, respectively. The &alpha;<sub>''g,feedback''</sub> and  &alpha;<sub>''p,feedback''</sub> are initialized to zero, but can separately evolve during a simulation based on settings in <tt>FeedbackDamping</tt>  and <tt>PFeedbackDamping</tt> commands. Feedback damping will evolve such that kinetic energy approaches zero (for a static result) or approaches any non-zero target kinetic energy. The &alpha;<sub>''g,feedback''</sub> and &alpha;<sub>''p,feedback''</sub> terms evolve by kinetic energy evaluated on the grid:

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=== PIC Damping ===
=== PIC Damping ===

A paper on using MPM for animation<ref name="Diz">A. Stomakhin, C. Schroeder, L. Chai, J. Teran, and A.  Selle, A material point method for snow simulation, ''ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Proceedings, '' '''32'''(4), Article No. 102, July (2013)</ref> suggested that simulations could be improved by modifying the velocity update to include a fraction &beta; of standard FLIP style MPM velocity updates and a fraction (1-&beta;) of PIC style updates. In brief, an undamped FLIP update increments the particle velocity using grid acceleration:
An alternate form of MPM is the so-called Particle In Cell or PIC method that replaces particle velocity on each time step with a new velocity extrapolated from the grid. In brief, an undamped FLIP update increments the particle velocity using grid acceleration:

<math> \vec v_{p,FLIP}^{(n+1)} = \vec v_p^{(n)} + \vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} \Delta t </math>
<math> \vec V_{p,FLIP}^{(n+1)} = \vec V_p^{(n)} + \vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} \Delta t </math>

while an undamped PIC update sets particle velocity to the grid velocity extrapolated to the particle:
while an undamped PIC update sets particle velocity to the grid velocity extrapolated to the particle:

<math> \vec v_{p,PIC}^{(n+1)} = \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n+1)} </math>
<math> \vec V_{p,PIC}^{(n+1)} = \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n+1)} </math>
Rather than PIC being an alternative MPM update method, a revised view is that it is a new style of damping.<ref name="cutting"/> A PIC update written as a FLIP update with damping is:

The suggestion<ref name="Diz"/> is that an improved update combines these two updates using:
<math> \vec X_p^{(n+1)} = \vec X_p^{(n)} + \left(\vec v_{g\to p}^{(n+1)} - {\Delta t\over 2}\biggl(\vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} + \left(\alpha_g-{1\over \Delta t}\right) \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n)} + \left(\alpha_p+{1\over \Delta t}\right)  \vec V_{p}^{(n)} \biggr)\right)\Delta t </math>

<math> \vec v_{p}^{(n+1)} = \beta \vec v_{p,FLIP}^{(n+1)} + (1-\beta)\vec v_{p,PIC}^{(n+1)} </math>
<math> \vec V_p^{(n+1)} = \vec V_p^{(n)} + \biggl(\vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} - \left(\alpha_g-{1\over \Delta t}\right) \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n)} - \left(\alpha_p+{1\over \Delta t}\right)  \vec V_{p}^{(n)}\biggr)\Delta t </math>
This damping view of PIC leads to two significant improvements for the use of PIC in simulations:
* It provides insight and justification for adding PIC. The PIC damping term is related to the extrapolation error between particle velocity and extrapolated grid velocity. This error will be large in elements that contain particles with widely varying velocity (as sometimes happens in MPM simulations) and small in areas with rather uniform velocity. Thus PIC damping will selectively damp out regions with large velocity variations and have little affect on regions with smooth velocities.
* By implementing PIC as a damping mechanism, it became clear how to modify the position update in PIC as well.<ref name="cutting"/> Some early proposals to use PIC (or to mix a fraction PIC with FLIP) used PIC update for velocity but retained the FLIP update for position.<ref name="Diz"/> The above position update addresses that issue and greatly improves particle displacement results in simulations with a significant amount of PIC.<ref name="cutting"/> Also note that the damping terms in the position update are second order, but because PIC damping is inversely proportional to &Delta;''t'', the PIC damping terms become first order terms in the position update.

This FLIP/PIC option appears to provide benefit in some simulations, but its use is difficult to justify. We noticed, however, that the FLIP/PIC update is actually a special case of the above damping where the PIC damping constant is set equal to:
A drawback of PIC damping is typcially that it damps too much. It can work well is quasi-static problems, but often damps too much in an dynamic problems. A paper on using MPM for animation<ref name="Diz"/> suggested that simulations could be improved by modifying the velocity update to include a fraction &beta; of standard FLIP style MPM velocity updates and a fraction (1-&beta;) of PIC style updates:

<math> \alpha(\beta) = {1-\beta\over \Delta t} </math>
<math> \vec v_{p}^{(n+1)} = \beta \vec v_{p,FLIP}^{(n+1)} + (1-\beta)\vec v_{p,PIC}^{(n+1)} </math>

This view leads to two significant improvements on use of PIC in simulations:
If this method also mixes fraction &beta; of standard FLIP fraction (1-&beta;) of PIC position updates (although original reference did not mix position options<ref name="Diz"/>) it provides and options for controlling the amount of damping. [[NairnMPM]] provides a similar feature, but rather than mix FLIP and PIC on each time step, it intersperses FLIP time steps with PIC time steps. If a PIC time step is done every n<sup>th</sup> time step, it is nearly the same as a simulation with &beta;=(n-1)/n. To create simulations with periodic PIC, add a [[PeriodicXPIC Custom Task]] to you simulation.

* It provides insight and justification for PIC damping. The PIC damping term is related to the extrapolation error between particle velocity and extrapolated grid velocity. This error will be large in element that contain particles with widely varying velocity (as sometimes happens in MPM simulations) and small in areas with rather uniform velocity. Thus PIC damping will selectively damp out regions with large velocity variations and have no affect on regions with smooth velocities.
An alternative to mixing FLIP with PIC is to use two new advanced methods that enhance PIC-style updates to minimize or eliminate their dissipation. The two methods are called [[XPIC Features|XPIC(k) and FMPM(k)]] for XPIC or FMPM of order k. XPIC(1) and FMPM(1) are two similar versions of PIC. Orders greater than one provide new methods that can stabilize simulations without causing too much dissipation. These two methods are also added to simulations by using the [[PeriodicXPIC Custom Task]].
* By implement PIC as a damping mechanism, it became clear how to modify the position update to include a fraction PIC as well. The original reference<ref name="Diz"/> on this option did not modify the position update and that approach appears to be an error. The above position update fixes that error. Also note that the damping terms in the position update are second order, but because PIC damping is inversely proportional to &Delta;t, the PIC damping terms become first order terms in the position update.
PIC damping is added to simulations using the <tt>Damping</tt> or <tt>PDamping</tt> terms.

== Damping Commands ==
== Damping Commands ==

In scripted files, grid damping (which is currently only damping that can be selected with scripted commands) is activated with the two commands
In scripted files, grid, particle, and PIC damping are activated with the following commands

  Damping (alphaVsT)
  Damping (alphagVsT)
  FeedbackDamping (gain),<(Tk)>,<(maxAlpha)>
  FeedbackDamping (gaing),<(Tkg)>,<(maxAlphag)>
PDamping (alphapVsT)
PFeedbackDamping (gainp),<(Tkp)>,<(maxAlphap)>

Although both can be used, usually only one damping method is used in a simulation. The parameters are:
The <tt>Damping</tt> and <tt>FeedbackDamping</tt> commands or the <tt>PDamping</tt> and <tt>PFeedbackDamping</tt> commands set [[#Grid and Particle Damping|grid or particle damping]] terms, respectively. Any combination of these damping options can be used in a simulation. The parameters are:

* <tt>(alphaVsT)</tt> is a constant damping factor or a [[User Defined Functions|user defined function]] of time that evaluates to a grid damping constant. The units are 1/sec and the default value is 0.
* <tt>(alphagVsT)</tt> and <tt>(alphapVsT)</tt> are constant damping factors or [[User Defined Functions|user defined functions]] of time that evaluate to a damping constant. The units are [[ConsistentUnits Command#Legacy and Consistent Units|1/time units]] and the default value is 0.
* <tt>(gain)</tt> is gain for evolution of &alpha; in feedback damping. It has units of 1/mm<sup>2</sup>. The default is 0 or no damping.
* <tt>(gaing)</tt> and <tt>(gainp)</tt> are gains for evolution of &alpha;<sub>g</sub> or &alpha;<sub>p</sub> in feedback damping. It has [[ConsistentUnits Command#Legacy and Consistent Units|1/length<sup>2</sup> units]]. The default is 0 or no damping.
* <tt>(Tk)</tt> in an optional [[User Defined Functions|user-defined function]] of time that evaluates to a target kinetic energy in &mu;J. The default value is 0.
* <tt>(Tkg)</tt> and <tt>(Tkp)</tt> are optional [[User Defined Functions|user-defined functions]] of time that evaluate to a target kinetic energy in [[ConsistentUnits Command#Legacy and Consistent Units|alt energy units]]. The default value is 0.
* <tt>(maxAlpha)</tt> can optionally specify a maximum feedback damping coefficient (&alpha;) entered in units of 1/sec. The default is to have no limit to damping, but a maximum can be used to prevent out-of-control overdamping. When a limit is needed, however, it might be a symptom of a poor simulation with too much kinetic energy.
* <tt>(maxAlphag)</tt> and <tt>(maxAlphap)</tt> can optionally specify a maximum feedback damping coefficient (&alpha;<sub>g</sub> or &alpha;<sub>p</sub>) entered in [[ConsistentUnits Command#Legacy and Consistent Units|1/time units]]. The default is to have no limit to damping, but a maximum can be used to prevent out-of-control overdamping. When a limit is needed, however, it might be a symptom of a poor simulation with too much kinetic energy.

In <tt>XML</tt> input files, grid, particle, and/or PIC damping are activated with the the following commands, which must be within the [[MPM Input Files#MPM Header|<tt><MPMHeader></tt> element]]:
In <tt>XML</tt> input files, grid and particle damping are activated with the the following commands, which must be within the [[MPM Input Files#MPM Header|<tt><MPMHeader></tt> element]]:

  <Damping PIC="(fractionPIC)' function='(alphaVsT)'>(alphaNum)</Damping>
  <Damping function='(alphagVsT)'>(alphagNum)</Damping>
  <FeedbackDamping target='(Tk)' max='(maxAlpha)'>(gain)</FeedbackDamping>
  <FeedbackDamping target='(Tkg)' max='(maxAlphag)'>(gaing)</FeedbackDamping>
  <PDamping function='(alphaVsT)'>(alphaNum)</PDamping>
  <PDamping function='(alphapVsT)'>(alphapNum)</PDamping>
  <PFeedbackDamping target='(Tk)' max='(maxAlpha)'>(gain)</PFeedbackDamping>
  <PFeedbackDamping target='(Tkp)' max='(maxAlphap)'>(gainp)</PFeedbackDamping>


* <tt>(fractionPIC)</tt> is the fraction PIC to use in the simulation (''i.e.'', 1-&beta;). It can vary from 1 for pure PIC to 0 for pure FLIP. The default is 0.
* <tt>(alphagNum)</tt> and <tt>(alphapNum)</tt> parameters are constant grid and particle damping factors (only numbers are allowed). These constant values are only used if no function attribute is provided. The units are [[ConsistentUnits Command#Legacy and Consistent Units|1/time units]] and the default value is 0.
* <tt>(alphaNum)</tt> parameters are constant grid and particle damping factors (only numbers are allowed). These constant values are only used if no function attribute is provided. The units are 1/sec and the default value is 0.

The <tt>Damping</tt> and <tt>FeedbackDamping</tt> commands set [[#Grid and Particle Damping|grid and particle damping]] terms, respectively.
=== Custom Particle Damping ===
The above commands set global damping parameters. If desired, particles for different materials can use custom particle damping. The custom damping for specific materials are set within the [[Common Material Properties#Basic Properties|<tt>matDamping</tt> material properties]] when defining any material type.

== Using Damping ==
== Using Damping ==
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<math>\tau = {1\over 2\alpha}</math>
<math>\tau = {2\over \alpha}</math>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(or <math>\tau\ (\rm in\ ms) = {2000\over \alpha}</math> when using [[ConsistentUnits Command#Legacy and Consistent Units|Legacy units]])

One set of tension simulations for an isotropic material with E = 2300 MPa and &rho; = 1 g/cm<sup>3</sup> were damped weill with &alpha; = 5000 sec<sup>-1</sup> or &tau; &asymp; 0.1 msec. For other materials, an appropriate amount of damping will likely scale from this choice approximately with wave speed &radic;(E/ρ) of the materials. When the problem involves bending, however, the damping coefficient may need to based on the transverse vibration frequency rather than on material wave speed.
One set of tension simulations for an isotropic material with E = 2300 MPa and &rho; = 1 g/cm<sup>3</sup> were damped weill with &alpha; = 5000 sec<sup>-1</sup> or &tau; &asymp; 0.4 msec. For other materials, an appropriate amount of damping will likely scale from this choice approximately with wave speed &radic;(E/ρ) of the materials. When the problem involves bending, however, the damping coefficient may need to based on the transverse vibrational frequency rather than on material wave speed.

For problems with monotonic loading, you would not want to damp to zero kinetic energy, but rather to a non-zero kinetic energy appropriate for the problem. For example, a simple tension test the ''x'' direction on a bar with one end (at ''x''=0) fixed and the other end (at ''x=l'') moving at velocity ''v'' in quasi-static conditions, would have position-dependent velocity of ''vx''/''l''. The quasi-static kinetic energy for this simulation would be
For problems with monotonic loading, you would not want to damp to zero kinetic energy, but rather to a non-zero kinetic energy appropriate for the problem. For example, a simple tension test the ''x'' direction on a bar with one end (at ''x''=0) fixed and the other end (at ''x=l'') moving at velocity ''v'' in quasi-static conditions, would have position-dependent velocity of ''vx''/''l''. The quasi-static kinetic energy for this simulation would be
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where ''m'' is total mass of the object. This problem is best damped using feedback damping with the target kinetic energy equal to this evaluated ''T<sub>k</sub>''. The <tt>(gain)</tt> parameter would have to be selected by trial and error to avoid too little or too much damping.
where ''m'' is total mass of the object. This problem is best damped using feedback damping with the target kinetic energy equal to this evaluated ''T<sub>k</sub>''. The <tt>(gain)</tt> parameter would have to be selected by trial and error to avoid too little or too much damping.

You can monitor total grid and particle damping constants, &alpha; and &alpha;<sub>p</sub>, by using [[MPM Global Archiving Options|global archiving options]]. Ideally the simulation &alpha; will remain as a reasonable number for the dynamics of the problem (''i.e.'', provided damping time constant appropriate for the problem). When using a target kinetic energy, &alpha; should decrease as kinetic energy moves toward the target result. If the damping cannot keep up with dynamic effects, the &alpha; may continue to increase and may eventually cause overdamping. The <tt>(maxAlpha)</tt> parameter can be used to prevent &alpha; growing too large, but typically a need to use this parameter might mean the simulations will not work well and other methods should be considered.
You can monitor total grid and particle damping constants, &alpha;<sub>''p''</sub> and &alpha;<sub>''p''</sub>, by using [[MPM Global Archiving Options|global archiving options]]. Ideally the simulation &alpha; will remain as a reasonable number for the dynamics of the problem (''i.e.'', provided damping gain is appropriate for the problem). When using a target kinetic energy, &alpha; should decrease as kinetic energy moves toward the target result. If the damping cannot keep up with dynamic effects, the &alpha; may continue to increase and may eventually cause overdamping. The <tt>(maxAlpha)</tt> parameter can be used to prevent &alpha; growing too large, but typically a need to use this parameter might mean the simulations will not work well and other methods should be considered.

The differences between [[#Grid and Particle Damping|grid and particle]] damping are typically minor. The two options are available, however, in case one type (or a combination) works better in specific problems.
The differences between [[#Grid and Particle Damping|grid and particle]] damping are typically minor. The two options are available, however, in case one type (or a combination) works better in specific problems.

[[#PIC Damping|PIC damping]] can be used alone or in addition to [[#Grid and Particle Damping|grid and particle]]. It seems to have the most affect in problems involving non-zero velocity boundary conditions and problems involving contact. It has less affect on problems with traction boundary conditions. The current recommendation is purely trial and error. Try adding from fraction PIC and see if it helps the results without altering them to a poor solution.
[[#PIC Damping|PIC damping]] can be used alone or in addition to [[#Grid and Particle Damping|grid and particle damping]]. It seems to have the most affect in problems involving non-zero velocity boundary conditions, problems involving contact, and problems with crack propagation. It has less affect on problems with traction boundary conditions. The current recommendation is purely trial and error. Try adding PIC using the [[PeriodicXPIC Custom Task]] and see if it helps the results without altering them to a invalid solution. You can vary the amoiunt of PIC damping by settings in the [[PeriodicXPIC Custom Task]].

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
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== References ==
== References ==
<ref name="XPIC">C. Hammerquist and J. A. Nairn, "A New Method for Material Point Method Particle Updates that Reduces Noise and Enhanced Stability", <i>Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering</i>, <b>318</b>, 724-738 (2017). ([http://www.cof.orst.edu/cof/wse/faculty/Nairn/papers/XPICPaper.pdf See PDF])</ref>
<ref name="FMPM">J. A. Nairn and C. C. Hammerquist, "Material point method simulations using an approximate full mass matrix inverse," <i>Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering</i>, in press (2021). ([http://www.cof.orst.edu/cof/wse/faculty/Nairn/papers/FMPMPaper.pdf See PDF])</ref>
<ref name="NHOne">D. J. Evans and B. L. Holian, The Nose-Hoover Thermostat. ''J. Chem. Phys.,'' '''83''', 4069–4074 (1985).</ref>
<ref name="NHTwo">W. G. Hoover, Canonical dynamics: equilibrium phase-space distributions. ''Phys. Rev. A.,'' '''31''', 1695–1697 (1985).</ref>
<ref name="mpmfb">G. Ayton, A. M. Smondyrev, S. G. Bardenhagen, P. McMurtry, and G. A. Voth, "Interfacing Molecular Dynamics and Macro-Scale Simulations for Lipid Bilayer Vesicles," ''Biophys J'', '''83''', 1026-1038 (2002)</ref>
<ref name="cutting">J.A. Nairn, "Numerical Simulation of Orthogonal Cutting using the Material Point Method," Eng. Fract. Mech., 149, 262-275 (2015)</ref>
<ref name="Diz">A. Stomakhin, C. Schroeder, L. Chai, J. Teran, and A.  Selle, A material point method for snow simulation, ''ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Proceedings, '' '''32'''(4), Article No. 102, July (2013)</ref>

Latest revision as of 09:37, 16 August 2023

NairnMPM has several forms of artificial damping done during particle updates. Their most common use is to damp dynamic effects such that the solution converges to a static result. Some materials also support artificial viscosity as a damping mechanism done on the material model level. In addition, NairnMPM supports FLIP, PIC, XPIC,[1] FMPM[2] and periodic mixtures of FLIP with PIC, XPIC, and FMPM; XPIC and FMPM enhance stability and control noise. This section focuses on grid and particle damping.


Many times it is useful to apply damping to results, such as when the goal to achieve a simulation of quasi-static results. This section explains various artificial damping options that are applied to the particle update in the MPM time step.

Grid and Particle Damping

The particle updates (when using FLIP) for position and velocity with damping related to grid velocity, particle velocity, or both are:

      [math]\displaystyle{ \vec X_p^{(n+1)} = \vec X_p^{(n)} + \left(\vec v_{g\to p}^{(n+1)} - {\Delta t\over 2}\biggl(\vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} + \alpha_g \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n)} + \alpha_p \vec V_{p}^{(n)} \biggr)\right)\Delta t }[/math]

      [math]\displaystyle{ \vec V_p^{(n+1)} = \vec V_p^{(n)} + \biggl(\vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} - \alpha_g \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n)} - \alpha_p \vec V_{p}^{(n)} \biggr)\Delta t }[/math]

where x is position, v is velocity, a is acceleration, and Δt is the time step. Subscript p indicates a particle property and subscript gp indicates a grid property that has been extrapolated to the particle. Subscripts (n) and (n+1) indicate at the start or end of time step n. The damping terms are:

Two types of grid and particle damping are available. Simple damping just specifies the damping value (which can be a function of time). Alternatively, feedback damping provides a variant of Nose-Hoover feedback,[3][4][5] which implements a scheme to evolve the damping coefficient depending on the current total kinetic energy. The net grid or particle damping will be a sum of the two damping options:

      [math]\displaystyle{ \alpha_g = \alpha_{g,simple}(t) + \alpha_{g,feedback}(t) \qquad {\rm and}\qquad \alpha_p = \alpha_{p,simple}(t) + \alpha_{p,feedback}(t) }[/math]

A single simulation can use any combination of these damping options. The αg,simple and αp,simple are specified with Damping and PDamping commands, respectively. The αg,feedback and αp,feedback are initialized to zero, but can separately evolve during a simulation based on settings in FeedbackDamping and PFeedbackDamping commands. Feedback damping will evolve such that kinetic energy approaches zero (for a static result) or approaches any non-zero target kinetic energy. The αg,feedback and αp,feedback terms evolve by kinetic energy evaluated on the grid:

      [math]\displaystyle{ {d\alpha\over dt} = {2K\over m_{tot}} \left(\sum_{{\rm node}\ i} {1\over 2} m_i |v_i|^2 - T_k \right) }[/math]

where K is a gain parameter, mtot is total mass, and Tk is the target kinetic energy. The grid and particle feedback damping terms can set separate values for K and Tk. The (2/mtot) is an arbitrary scaling used to make K similar to a different feedback damping method used in earlier versions of this code and an attempt to make K less dependent on problem size.

PIC Damping

An alternate form of MPM is the so-called Particle In Cell or PIC method that replaces particle velocity on each time step with a new velocity extrapolated from the grid. In brief, an undamped FLIP update increments the particle velocity using grid acceleration:

      [math]\displaystyle{ \vec V_{p,FLIP}^{(n+1)} = \vec V_p^{(n)} + \vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} \Delta t }[/math]

while an undamped PIC update sets particle velocity to the grid velocity extrapolated to the particle:

      [math]\displaystyle{ \vec V_{p,PIC}^{(n+1)} = \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n+1)} }[/math]

Rather than PIC being an alternative MPM update method, a revised view is that it is a new style of damping.[6] A PIC update written as a FLIP update with damping is:

      [math]\displaystyle{ \vec X_p^{(n+1)} = \vec X_p^{(n)} + \left(\vec v_{g\to p}^{(n+1)} - {\Delta t\over 2}\biggl(\vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} + \left(\alpha_g-{1\over \Delta t}\right) \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n)} + \left(\alpha_p+{1\over \Delta t}\right) \vec V_{p}^{(n)} \biggr)\right)\Delta t }[/math]

      [math]\displaystyle{ \vec V_p^{(n+1)} = \vec V_p^{(n)} + \biggl(\vec a_{g\to p}^{(n)} - \left(\alpha_g-{1\over \Delta t}\right) \vec v_{g\to p}^{(n)} - \left(\alpha_p+{1\over \Delta t}\right) \vec V_{p}^{(n)}\biggr)\Delta t }[/math]

This damping view of PIC leads to two significant improvements for the use of PIC in simulations:

  • It provides insight and justification for adding PIC. The PIC damping term is related to the extrapolation error between particle velocity and extrapolated grid velocity. This error will be large in elements that contain particles with widely varying velocity (as sometimes happens in MPM simulations) and small in areas with rather uniform velocity. Thus PIC damping will selectively damp out regions with large velocity variations and have little affect on regions with smooth velocities.
  • By implementing PIC as a damping mechanism, it became clear how to modify the position update in PIC as well.[6] Some early proposals to use PIC (or to mix a fraction PIC with FLIP) used PIC update for velocity but retained the FLIP update for position.[7] The above position update addresses that issue and greatly improves particle displacement results in simulations with a significant amount of PIC.[6] Also note that the damping terms in the position update are second order, but because PIC damping is inversely proportional to Δt, the PIC damping terms become first order terms in the position update.

A drawback of PIC damping is typcially that it damps too much. It can work well is quasi-static problems, but often damps too much in an dynamic problems. A paper on using MPM for animation[7] suggested that simulations could be improved by modifying the velocity update to include a fraction β of standard FLIP style MPM velocity updates and a fraction (1-β) of PIC style updates:

      [math]\displaystyle{ \vec v_{p}^{(n+1)} = \beta \vec v_{p,FLIP}^{(n+1)} + (1-\beta)\vec v_{p,PIC}^{(n+1)} }[/math]

If this method also mixes fraction β of standard FLIP fraction (1-β) of PIC position updates (although original reference did not mix position options[7]) it provides and options for controlling the amount of damping. NairnMPM provides a similar feature, but rather than mix FLIP and PIC on each time step, it intersperses FLIP time steps with PIC time steps. If a PIC time step is done every nth time step, it is nearly the same as a simulation with β=(n-1)/n. To create simulations with periodic PIC, add a PeriodicXPIC Custom Task to you simulation.

An alternative to mixing FLIP with PIC is to use two new advanced methods that enhance PIC-style updates to minimize or eliminate their dissipation. The two methods are called XPIC(k) and FMPM(k) for XPIC or FMPM of order k. XPIC(1) and FMPM(1) are two similar versions of PIC. Orders greater than one provide new methods that can stabilize simulations without causing too much dissipation. These two methods are also added to simulations by using the PeriodicXPIC Custom Task.

Damping Commands

In scripted files, grid, particle, and PIC damping are activated with the following commands

Damping (alphagVsT)
FeedbackDamping (gaing),<(Tkg)>,<(maxAlphag)>
PDamping (alphapVsT)
PFeedbackDamping (gainp),<(Tkp)>,<(maxAlphap)>

The Damping and FeedbackDamping commands or the PDamping and PFeedbackDamping commands set grid or particle damping terms, respectively. Any combination of these damping options can be used in a simulation. The parameters are:

  • (alphagVsT) and (alphapVsT) are constant damping factors or user defined functions of time that evaluate to a damping constant. The units are 1/time units and the default value is 0.
  • (gaing) and (gainp) are gains for evolution of αg or αp in feedback damping. It has 1/length2 units. The default is 0 or no damping.
  • (Tkg) and (Tkp) are optional user-defined functions of time that evaluate to a target kinetic energy in alt energy units. The default value is 0.
  • (maxAlphag) and (maxAlphap) can optionally specify a maximum feedback damping coefficient (αg or αp) entered in 1/time units. The default is to have no limit to damping, but a maximum can be used to prevent out-of-control overdamping. When a limit is needed, however, it might be a symptom of a poor simulation with too much kinetic energy.

In XML input files, grid and particle damping are activated with the the following commands, which must be within the <MPMHeader> element:

<Damping function='(alphagVsT)'>(alphagNum)</Damping>
<FeedbackDamping target='(Tkg)' max='(maxAlphag)'>(gaing)</FeedbackDamping>
<PDamping function='(alphapVsT)'>(alphapNum)</PDamping>
<PFeedbackDamping target='(Tkp)' max='(maxAlphap)'>(gainp)</PFeedbackDamping>


  • (alphagNum) and (alphapNum) parameters are constant grid and particle damping factors (only numbers are allowed). These constant values are only used if no function attribute is provided. The units are 1/time units and the default value is 0.

Custom Particle Damping

The above commands set global damping parameters. If desired, particles for different materials can use custom particle damping. The custom damping for specific materials are set within the matDamping material properties when defining any material type.

Using Damping

Adding damping allows a dynamic calculation to approach static or quasi static results after sufficiently long times. Too much damping, however, will alter the results. The challenge is to select the appropriate amount of damping. The amount of damping to approach static results without over damping depends on the problem being damped. Under static conditions (no longer applying forces or moving particles), damping will cause the total kinetic energy on the grid to decay with a exponential time constant on the order of

      [math]\displaystyle{ \tau = {2\over \alpha} }[/math]      (or [math]\displaystyle{ \tau\ (\rm in\ ms) = {2000\over \alpha} }[/math] when using Legacy units)

One set of tension simulations for an isotropic material with E = 2300 MPa and ρ = 1 g/cm3 were damped weill with α = 5000 sec-1 or τ ≈ 0.4 msec. For other materials, an appropriate amount of damping will likely scale from this choice approximately with wave speed √(E/ρ) of the materials. When the problem involves bending, however, the damping coefficient may need to based on the transverse vibrational frequency rather than on material wave speed.

For problems with monotonic loading, you would not want to damp to zero kinetic energy, but rather to a non-zero kinetic energy appropriate for the problem. For example, a simple tension test the x direction on a bar with one end (at x=0) fixed and the other end (at x=l) moving at velocity v in quasi-static conditions, would have position-dependent velocity of vx/l. The quasi-static kinetic energy for this simulation would be

      [math]\displaystyle{ T_k = \int_V {\rho\over2} \left({vx\over l}\right)^2 dV = {1\over 6} m v^2 }[/math]

where m is total mass of the object. This problem is best damped using feedback damping with the target kinetic energy equal to this evaluated Tk. The (gain) parameter would have to be selected by trial and error to avoid too little or too much damping.

You can monitor total grid and particle damping constants, αp and αp, by using global archiving options. Ideally the simulation α will remain as a reasonable number for the dynamics of the problem (i.e., provided damping gain is appropriate for the problem). When using a target kinetic energy, α should decrease as kinetic energy moves toward the target result. If the damping cannot keep up with dynamic effects, the α may continue to increase and may eventually cause overdamping. The (maxAlpha) parameter can be used to prevent α growing too large, but typically a need to use this parameter might mean the simulations will not work well and other methods should be considered.

The differences between grid and particle damping are typically minor. The two options are available, however, in case one type (or a combination) works better in specific problems.

PIC damping can be used alone or in addition to grid and particle damping. It seems to have the most affect in problems involving non-zero velocity boundary conditions, problems involving contact, and problems with crack propagation. It has less affect on problems with traction boundary conditions. The current recommendation is purely trial and error. Try adding PIC using the PeriodicXPIC Custom Task and see if it helps the results without altering them to a invalid solution. You can vary the amoiunt of PIC damping by settings in the PeriodicXPIC Custom Task.


  1. The use of feedback damping in MPM calculations was first described in Ayton, et al., 2002.[5] This reference evolved α using
          [math]\displaystyle{ {d\alpha\over dt} = K \sum_p |v_p|^2 }[/math]
    In other words the update was based on sum of particle velocities and there was no target kinetic energy. This approach is only suitable for problems with static boundary conditions. The modifications in NairnMPM allow the use of damping with variable boundary conditions (assuming you can estimate the expected kinetic energy) and uses kinetic energy rather than a velocity sum. The use of kinetic energy makes the method more general and therefore better able to handle composite materials having particles of different masses. Furthermore, the kinetic energy for NairnMPM damping is found from grid masses and velocities rather than particle masses and velocities becuase in some problems particle kinetric energy can develop artifacts while grid kinetic energy is more robust estimate of total kinetic energy.
  2. A Nose-Hoover thermostat works in molecular calculations by tying kinetic energy to temperature.[3][4] In MPM the thermostat ties kinetic energy to an expected kinetic energy after vibrations are damped out.[5] When boundary conditions are constant, either simple damping or feedback damping with no target kinetic energy will help the problem converge to the static solution. For non-constant boundary conditions, you need to use feedback damping, estimate the "static" (i.e., very slow loading) kinetic energy, and set (Tk) parameter to this estimate to have this thermostat work correctly.


  1. C. Hammerquist and J. A. Nairn, "A New Method for Material Point Method Particle Updates that Reduces Noise and Enhanced Stability", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 318, 724-738 (2017). (See PDF)
  2. J. A. Nairn and C. C. Hammerquist, "Material point method simulations using an approximate full mass matrix inverse," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, in press (2021). (See PDF)
  3. 3.0 3.1 D. J. Evans and B. L. Holian, The Nose-Hoover Thermostat. J. Chem. Phys., 83, 4069–4074 (1985).
  4. 4.0 4.1 W. G. Hoover, Canonical dynamics: equilibrium phase-space distributions. Phys. Rev. A., 31, 1695–1697 (1985).
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 G. Ayton, A. M. Smondyrev, S. G. Bardenhagen, P. McMurtry, and G. A. Voth, "Interfacing Molecular Dynamics and Macro-Scale Simulations for Lipid Bilayer Vesicles," Biophys J, 83, 1026-1038 (2002)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 J.A. Nairn, "Numerical Simulation of Orthogonal Cutting using the Material Point Method," Eng. Fract. Mech., 149, 262-275 (2015)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 A. Stomakhin, C. Schroeder, L. Chai, J. Teran, and A. Selle, A material point method for snow simulation, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Proceedings, 32(4), Article No. 102, July (2013)