PointList Block

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A <PointList> block can explicitly list individual material points.

PointList Block

An XML file can include one <PointList> block and it must be within the single<MaterialPoints>.

  <mp elem='(elemNum)' mat='(natNum)' angle='(angle)' thick='(thick)' conc='(conc)' temp='(temp)'>
    <pt units='mm' x='1.25' y='-11.25'/>
    <vel units='mm/sec' x='0' y='0'/>
    <mass units='g' m='1e-3'/>
   . . .

Within the <PointList> block,the material points are defined by a series of subordinate <mp> elements. Its attributes are:

  • (elemNum) - the element number that contains the material point (this attribute is optional; if not provided the element will be looked up)
  • (matNum) - the material nuimber (a number can be replaced by a material name using a matname attribute as explained here.
  • (angle) - the material angle (in degrees) which is used for some anisotropic materials (default = 0).
  • (thick) - the thickness (in mm), for planar 2D only (default is equal to the grid thickness).
  • (conc) - the initial concentration (set as potential from 0 to 1 where 1 is the saturation concentration for the particle's material type) when doing diffusion calculations. Alternatively you can set initial concentration as weight fraction by using a wtconc attribute instead. The weight fraction concentration must be between 0 and the saturation concentration for the particle's material type. If both conc and conc are used, the one that appears last will determine the concentration (default 0).
  • (temp) - the initial temperature (temp) when doing thermal loading or conduction calculations (default is the stress free temperature).

Subordinate to each <mp> element, you define the material point properties using <pt> (required), <vel>, and <mass> commands:

  • <pt>- gives the x, y, and z (if 3D)) coordinates in attributes in mm, but an optional units attribute can specify other length units (required).
  • <vel> - give the material point's initial velocity in the x, y, and z (if 3D) directions in mm/sec. An optional units attribute can specify other velocity units) (default is zero velocity)
  • <mass> - normally the particle mass is determined from the size of the elements and the number of particles per element and this command is not used. When running a simulation based on material points from a previous simulation, this command can be used to set the particle mass (in g, but an optional units attribute can specify the mass units).