Isotropic Damage Mechanics

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Constitutive Law

This MPM Material is an isotropic, elastic material, but once it fails, it develops isotopic damage. The constitutive law for this material is

      [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{\sigma} = (1-D) \mathbf{C}( \mathbf{\varepsilon}- \mathbf{\varepsilon}_{res}) }[/math]

where C is stiffness tensor for the underlying isotropic material, D is a scalar damage parameter, and [math]\displaystyle{ \mathbf{\varepsilon}_{res} }[/math] is any residual strain (such as thermal or solvent induced strains).

Damage Metric

(to be written)

Damage Evolution

(to be written)

Material Properties

When the material is undamaged, it response is identical to properties entered for the underlying isotropic material. Once those are specified, you have to select a damage metric and or and two softening laws to define how the material responds after initiation of damage.

Property Description Units Default
(Isotropic Properties) Enter all properties needed to define the underlying isotropic material response varies varies
metric Choose the effective strain used in damage evolution with options 0 = Principal stress energy, 1 = Tensile stress energy, and 2 = mixed mode failure surface. none 0
SofteningI Attach a softening law (by name or ID) for evolution of damage or for tensile dame when metric=2. Once attached, enter all required properties for that law by prefacing each property with "I-". none Linear
SofteningII Attach a softening law (by name or ID) for propagation of shear damage, but only used when metric=2. Once attached, enter all required properties for that law by prefacing each property with "II-". none Linear
coefVariation This property assigns a coefficient of variation to failure properties. The property that is affected is determined by the coefVariationMode parameter. Each particle's relative property is set at the start of the simulation to have the same Gaussian distribution of values about their means, but will have no spatial correlations. A better approach to stochastic modeling would use Gaussian random fields with spatial correlation (see below). none 0
coefVariationMode The options are 1 = vary only strength, 2 = vary only toughness, and 3 = vary strength and toughness. Note that strength, toughness, and critical crack opening displacement (COD) are interrelated. Option 1 means COD will increase to keep toughness constant; 2 means COD will decrease to keep strength constant; 3 means COD will remain constant. none 1
coeff coefficient of friction for post-decohesion contact (default is 0 or frictionless) (experimental implementation in development in OSParticulas only) none 0
(other) Properties common to all materials varies varies

An alternative to randomly varying strength or toughness using coefVariation and coefVariationMode properties is to set the relative values using a PropertyRamp Custom Task. For example, a BMP image of a Gaussian random field could assign relative strengths or toughness with random variations that include spatial correlations.

History Variables

This material stores allocates all history used by its parent [] material, but only some of them are used:

  1. The current damage state with the following possible values:
    • 0.1: indicates undamaged material. Note that undamaged value of 0.1 is to facilitate mapping of damage state to a grid such that undamaged regions can be distinguished by thresholding from empty regions (with zero damage).
    • 0.9, 1.0, or 1.1: indicates damage has initiated but particle has not yet failed. The three values are
      • 0.9: damage initiated by tensile failure
      • 1.0: damage initiation by both in-plane principle stresses exceeding tensile strength
      • 1.1: damage initiated by shear failure
    • Between 2 and 3: particle has failure by decohesion. After failure, the fraction energy dissipated by mode I damage is GI/Gtotal = h[1]-2 or 2 is pure mode II failure, 3 is pure mode I failure, and anything between is mixed-mode failure.
  2. δn or the maximum normal cracking strain.
  3. δxy or the maximum x-y shear cracking strain.
  4. This variable has two options:
    • For 3D when using cuboid surface: δxz or the maximum x-z cracking strain.
    • For all other cases: GI or cumulative mode I dissipated energy.
  5. dn or damage variable for normal loading. It varies from 0 to 1 where 1 is complete damage or failure.
  6. dxy or damage variable for x-y shear loading. It varies from 0 to 1 where 1 is complete damage or failure.
  7. This variable has two options:
    • For 3D when using cuboid surface: dxz or damage variable for x-z shear loading (from 0 to 1 where 1 is complete damage or failure).
    • For all other cases: GII or cumulative mode II dissipated energy.
  8. For 2D it is cos(θ), but for 3D it is Euler angle α.
  9. For 2D it is sin(θ), but for 3D it is Euler angle β.
  10. For 2D it is not used, but for 3D it is Euler angle γ.
  11. Ac/Vp where Ac is crack area within the particle and Vp is particle volume.
  12. Relative strength derived at the start by coefVariation and coefVariationMode properties.
  13. Relative toughness derived at the start by coefVariation and coefVariationMode properties.

Variables 8-10 define the normal to the damage crack plane. For 2D, θ is the counter clockwise angle from the x axis to the crack normal. For 3D, (α, β, γ) are the three Euler angles for the normal direction using a Z-Y-Z rotation scheme. You can use the damagenormal archiving option to save enough information for plotting the normal. Although damaged normal is a unit vector, it is archived with magnitude equal to Ac/Vp (which gets another history variable archived and the value is used for some visualization options).

This material also tracks the cracking strain which can be saved by using the plasticstrain archiving option. The strain is archived in the global axis system. If you also archive the damagenormal, you will be able to plot a vector along the crack-opening displacement vector.


Material "isosoft","Isotropic Softening Material",50
  E 1000
  nu .33
  a 60
  rho 1
  largeRotation 1
  Initiation MaxPrinciple
  sigmac 30
  tauc 20
  SofteningI Linear
  I-Gc 10000
  SofteningII Linear
  II-Gc 10000


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