RandSeed Command
Some MPM materials have options to randomly assign certain properties (e.g., an Isotropic Softening Material). Similarly, you can write expressions for any use that generate random numbers (see rand(x) function). Because each you run calculations with stochastic settings the results will be slightly different, it can be challenging to set up calculations. To fix this isse, the RandSeed command lets you pick a random number seed. When a specific number is picked, each run will see the same random number and will there for be reproducible. Once initial set is complete, however, you must remove this command to make sure you modeling actually will be stochastic modeling.
A random number seed can only be set in XML commands and must be in the <Header> block:
Any number greater than 0 will be used as a random number seed. If the enter is zero or negative, the random numbers will be seeded by the current time, which will differ every time you run the calculations.
To specify a random number seed when using scripted input commands, you can use an XMLData Command targeted to the "Header" section:
XMLData "Header" <RandSeed>5278</RandSeed> EndXMLData