HistoryArchive Custom Task
A custom task to archive material history data in an alternate format.
The ToArchive command options can only archive material history variables 1 through 4 for each particle. A HistoryArchive custom task provides a method to archive more history variables and also provides an alternate format for archiving history variables 1 through 4.
Task Scheduling
In scripted files, a HistoryArchive custom task is scheduled using
CustomTask HistoryArchive Parameter archiveTime,(timeInterval) Parameter firstArchiveTime,(firstTime) Parameter (number) . . .
In XML files, this tasks is scheduled using a Schedule element, which must be within the single <CustomTasks> block:
<Schedule name='HistoryArchive'> <Parameter name='archiveTime'>(timeInterval)</Parameter> <Parameter name='firstArchiveTime'>(firstTime)</Parameter> <Parameter name='(number)'/> . . . </Schedule>
where the first two parameters, both of which are optional, are
- (timeInterval) - Enter the time interval (in ms) between saving of VTK archives. If this parameter is omitted, the VTK archive files are written on the same steps as the [[MPM Archiving Options}particle archives]]. The one exception is that no VTK archive is written before the first step.
- (firstTime) - Enter the time to save the first results (in ms). After this time is reached, subsequent archives will be spaced by the entered (timeInterval) This parameter is ignored unless the (timeInterval) parameter is set as well. To get a VTK archive after the first step, enter (firstTime) of zero.
The remaining parameters each specify a (number) corresponding to a material history variable number.
Output Tab-Delimited File
When this task is activated, the history data on each particle will be written to tab-delimited text files in the output results folder. The name of the file will include the archive path and will be followed by "_History_#.txt", where "#" is the step number. The file will begin with short header giving step number, step time, and column labels. Each row that follows will have data for one particle. It will include particle number, current particle position (in mm), and each requested history variable.