Coupled Traction Law

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The Traction Law


This traction law is the same as the triangular traction law except that COD and traction are now effective terms that are related to normal and tangential components of traction and displacement:

      [math]\displaystyle{ {\rm Traction} = T_{eff} \qquad{\rm where} \qquad T_{eff} = \sqrt{T_n^2+T_t^2} }[/math]

      [math]\displaystyle{ {\rm cod} = \delta_{eff} \qquad{\rm where} \qquad \delta_{eff} = \sqrt{\delta_n^2+\delta_t^2} }[/math]

where Tn and Tt are the normal and tangential tractions and δn and δt are the normal and tangential CODs.


Traction Law Properties

The following properties are used to create a triangular traction law:

Property Description Units Default
(other) Properties common to all traction laws varies varies