Hardening Laws

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Plasticity materials implement their yield behavior by combining them with hardening laws. The material definition sets the equation of state properties for the material and the selected hardening law determines the yield criterion.

Selecting a Hardening Law

Hardening laws are assigned to materials within their material definition. When using NairnFEAMPM or NairnFEAMPMViz, a hardening law is added within a material definition block as follows:

Material ID,name,type
   plasticLaw (Law_Name or number)
   (Law Properties)

Selecting a hardening law in a XML input file has the form:

<Material Type='#' Name='name'>
     <plasticLaw>(Law_Name or number)</plasticLaw>
     (Law properties)

In both these options:

  • plasticLaw is the name or number of the desired hardening law (see table of available hardening laws.
  • Law Properties - after selecting the hardening law, set all required properties for that law. Refer to each hardening law for the properties that can be set.

Available Hardening Laws