Reading Material Points from a Previous Simulation

Revision as of 09:35, 7 December 2013 by Nairnj (talk | contribs)
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Sometimes it is useful to run a simulation, output the material point locations, and them use those settings for a new MPM simulation. One approach is to extract all material point locations to an XML file using the ExtractMPM tool, and then input that file to a new commands file. The process is:

  1. Run an MPM simulation
  2. Select an archive time and use ExtractMPM to extract particle data to an XML file. A typical command would be:
    ExtractMPM -Xh -q mass -o particles Archive.1843
    where Archive.1843 is desired time archive containing material point locations. The points will be written to an XML file called particles.xml. The output file will have one <PointList block with one<mp>element for each material point. See the ExtractMPM tool documentation for more details on an XML extraction.
  3. Finally, include this saved file in another commands file using an XML entity reference. First, define the path to the new file in the file's DOCTYPE element such as:
    <!DOCTYPE JANFEAInput SYSTEM '/full path to/NairnMPM.dtd'
    [   <!ENTITY mpfile SYSTEM "pointlist.xml">

    In scripted files, you can define this entity with an Entity command. Then, import that file in the <MaterialPoints> element using


    In scripted files, it can be included with an XMLData command:
