FEA Mesh Generation Commands

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The best way to generate an FEA mesh is to use Keypoint, Path, and Area commands.

Scripted Input Files

In scripted input files, you build the mesh by using multiple mesh generation commands. These commands are usually grouped together, but may be at various locations in the input file. For example, a simple 2D, rectangular mesh of width #length, height #height, and thickness #thick with #horiz elements in the horizontal direction and #vert elements in the vertical direction (where terms beginning in number signs are script variables) can be created with:

Area #matname$,#thick
  Path "Bottom",#horiz
    Keypoint "BotLeft",0,0
    Keypoint "BotRight",#length,0
  Path "Right",#vert
    Keypoints "BotRight"
    Keypoint "TopRight",#length,#height
  Path "Top",#horiz
    Keypoints "TopRight"
    Keypoint "TopLeft",0,#height
  Path "Left",#vert
    Keypoints "TopLeft","BotRight"
Resequence "BotRight"

The following commands are used for generating the mesh in scripted files.

  • Area: Define an area for mesh generation.
  • Path: Define a path used in defining areas.
  • Paths: Add multiple defined paths to an area.
  • Keypoint: Define a keypoint used in defining paths
  • Keypoints: Add multiple defined keypoints to a path.
  • Resequence Command: To turn on the option to resequence the nodes, which will minimize the bandwidth of the problem and speed the calculations.

XML Input Files

In XML input files, you build the mesh with mesh generation commands that must be within a single <Mesh> block. Here is a <Mesh> block that creates at 50X10 rectangular mesh with 6 elements in the horizontal direction and 3 in the vertical direction:

    <pt x='0' y='0' id='lowerleft'/>
    <pt x='0' y='10' id='upperleft'/>
    <pt x='50' y='0' id='lowerright'/>
    <pt x='50' y='10' id='upperright'/>

  <Path id="bottom" intervals='6' ratio='1'>
    <keypt id='lowerleft'/>
    <keypt id='lowerright'/>
  <Path id="right" intervals='3'>
    <keypt id='lowerright'/>
    <keypt id='upperright'/>
  <Path id="top" intervals='6'>
    <keypt id='upperright'/>
    <keypt id='upperleft'/>
  <Path id="left" intervals='3'>
    <keypt id='upperleft'/>
    <keypt id='lowerleft'/>

  <Area mat="1" thick="10" type="4" flip="0" angle="0">
    <path id="bottom"/>
    <path id="right"/>
    <path id="top"/>
    <path id="left"/>

The fundamental XML commands for generating a mesh are:

  • <Keypoints>: Define all key point to be used in defining paths
  • <Path>: Define a path to be used in defining areas.
  • <Area>: Define an area for mesh generation.
  • Resequence Command: To turn on the option to resequence the nodes, which will minimize the bandwidth of the problem and speed the calculations.

Using Images and Shapes

If some elements in the generated mesh are set the material id _NONE_ (see Area Command) or mat = 0 (see <Area> Command), you can follow mesh creation with image and shape commands to fill in material types, angles, and define the final mesh geometry. This option is described here.